Searching for Jobs

Looking for a job can be time-consuming and frustrating, particularly when applications go unanswered. There are so many different websites, newspapers, job centres, notice boards and recruitment agencies, it can be difficult to know where to start. We hope the information below will help make your search easier.

Intreo Office

The Intreo Offices are managed by the Department of Social Protection. Their function is to provide information and advice to jobseekers. They also maintain a list of vacancies and run jobs clubs, which provide training and support to jobseekers. Details of local Intreo Offices are available at

Information: Online

Benefits of searching online

  • You can register for job alerts, which means you will be sent all the latest jobs by email as they appear on a particular site, or you can specify the type of job that you would like to be notified about.

  • Many websites offer you the option of storing your CV and when you wish to apply for jobs, you simply enter your username and password and your CV is automatically sent to the employer.

  • Sometimes advertisers or employers request a database search of CVs that are registered with recruitment websites. If your CV matches their requirements, you will be sent an email with a link to that job.

  • Most websites offer a facility for keeping a list of all the jobs you applied for and the dates you applied to them.

  • You can receive monthly/weekly newsletters from some websites and these keep you informed of the job market, the latest career news, recommended reading and much more.

Tips for searching online

  • Follow the Irish Job Fairy on twitter

  • If you’re on LinkedIn, keep your profile up to date and include your CV. There is also an option to pay for a ‘job seeker badge’ on your profile that lets recruiters know that you are currently looking for work. Some jobs are also advertised on LinkedIn, so use the job search tool to find work in your field.

  • If you’re interested in working for a particular company, check the website regularly for job opportunities. Some companies only advertise on their own website rather than through an agency or other recruitment websites.

  • Manage your Internet behaviour wisely! Some employers will search online for social media profiles of job candidates so make sure only to upload photos and posts will make a good impression.


Working in the EU

All citizens of the European Economic Area (EEA) are entitled to work in any other EEA country without a work permit. The European Job Mobility Portal EURES helps you to find opportunities for work in Europe. You can also create a profile and post your CV on the portal and make it available to EURES Advisers and registered employers.

The European Commission also provide detailed information on living and working in all EU countries.

Irish Voices – EU Careers

This is a joint initiative of the European Movement Ireland and, supported by the EU Jobs Campaign. It provides information and advice on opportunities in the EU for Irish students, graduates and jobseekers, as well as videos featuring Irish people who work for the EU. is a webpage of the Department of the Taoiseach which is dedicated to supporting Irish citizens interested in pursuing a career in EU institutions. Information is provided in the following areas:

  • Careers in the EU
  • EU Recruitment Competitions
  • Preparing for the EU ‘Concours’
  • Traineeships: The European Stagiaire
  • Working in Irish for Europe
  • Irish EU Career Ambassadors

Dedicated information and training services are also available to Irish candidates in advance of specific EU job competitions.